Genetic predispositions interact with the social environment to promote or impede health and social mobility across the lifespan, but identifying these interactions is challenging.
We use experimental variation in policy environments to distinguish between gene-environment interactions (G × E) and genetic selection into environments, or gene-environment correlation (rGE). In the context of social policy, differentiating between the two is crucial because in the case of G × E, there is room for policy intervention because modifications to the environment may mitigate genetic risk. To capture the genetic architecture of complex traits while maximizing statistical power, we use results from genome wide association studies (GWAS) to construct polygenic indices (PGI, also known as genetic risk scores or polygenic scores). PGIs aggregate millions of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) across the genome and weight them by the strength of their association to construct a single measure of genetic risk.
Published research documents an increase in lifetime smoking behavior and lower educational attainment for genetically-at-risk individuals who were drafted into Vietnam; potentially harmful reductions in body mass index (BMI) after a job loss from a plant or business closure for older workers with less plastic genotypes; and higher rates of smoking persistence for female smokers due to sex differences in the genetic overlap between variants for smoking behavior, depression, and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis function.
Ongoing work is examining heterogenous treatment effects of state-wide cigarette tax policies in adolescence and adulthood on genetic risk for smoking behavior and related comorbidities; identifying the effect of childhood socioeconomic status (SES) and genetic risk on the health and schooling outcomes of Korean adoptees with random family placement; and the effects of statewide investments in education and genetic potential for educational attainment on schooling and lifetime earnings.